Chinese seal carving services allowing you to have a seal stone carved with your name, the name of your business or an inspirational word. Seal carvings are performed by professional artisans in the ancient Chinese seal script. A variety of different styles are avilable for your carving, including the very popular Yin or Yang styles.
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New Products For January

Professional Chinese Seal Carvers - High Quality Seal Stones

This site offers you the opportunity to have your name translated into Chinese and carved in the ancient Chinese seal script by a professional Chinese artisan, at a very reasonable price. You may also choose from a large collection of Chinese seal stones in a variety of qualities and prices. The prices listed are determined by the type, size and quality of the stone.

Many of the seal stones are carved in the likeness of dragons, tigers, Foo dogs and other symbols of cultural significance in Chinese culture. If you have a special request please feel free to contact us for assistance. We will work closely with you to make sure your Chinese seal is carved exactly how you want it.

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